Monday, October 12, 2009

OOPS! We did it again! :)

Well, I guess it's about time to let the 'cat out of the bag' so to speak. Many of you already know about our little surprise that is due to arrive the very first part of April next year. My doctor doesn't believe I'll make it to April given his past experiences with my other pregnancies. This little one took us completely by surprise. All we can think is that the Lord definately works in mysterious ways and has His own agenda. During my pregnancy with Arie people always asked if she would be the last one, Chad would pipe up with a definate yes, but I wasn't quite so sure. As time had gone on sometimes I wondered if our family was complete, but didn't want to do anything permanant. So, we feel this little one was just supposed to come and it would have to be a complete surprise because the daddy was done! Babies are always a wonderful blessing and I am grateful to be able to have children. I am sill trying to get used to the thought of being pregnant again and being the mother of 5, but I try to take comfort in the knowledge that the Lord will never give us more than we can handle...right?


  1. I love it! You guys are great parents and I am excited for you!

  2. I am so excited for you guys. There must be a reason why this little one is meant to come. If you need anything you know you can always call me.

  3. Thanks Brandee and Ronda! You guys are great friends!

  4. So you just started this blog? Good job I'll add you to my blogger friends list. Can't wait to see more. good luck with your one on the way.

  5. I can't believe I am this slow at looking at your blog, but it sure is cute! Love those cute kiddies of yours, too! And congrats on the pleasant surprise. :) It must be meant to be! :)

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